Calendar Submission Registration

If you would like to post events to our calendar, you must first register.
Please fill out and submit the form below:
If you have already registered, you can post by clicking here.

*Required Field
(If this is for a campaign rather than a held office, list the campaign here.)
Please choose a User name.
You must enter a User name containing only letters and numbers.
Your User name must be between 5 and 10 characters long.
You may re-use your subscriber User name if it meets these requirements.
*User Name:
Please choose a user name and password.
You must enter a Password containing only letters and numbers and exclamation marks!
Passwords must contain at least one numeral.
Passwords must contain at least one capital letter.
Your password must be between 6 and 15 characters long.
You may re-use your subscriber password if it meets these requirements:
*Confirm Password: