July 8, 2024      6:55 PM

Listen: This weekend offered a glimpse into the potential future ambitions of Abbott and Patrick

QR Editor Scott Braddock and KFYO radio host Chad Hasty talk about Patrick steering the ship of state while Abbott is in Taiwan during a hurricane in Houston

July 5, 2024      10:14 AM

In anticipation of Hurricane Beryl, Chairman Hunter cancels Texas House State Affairs hearing slated for Monday

Chair Guillen canceled the Monday Homeland Security and Public Safety meeting as well

July 3, 2024      12:34 PM

Quorum Report programming notes heading into the holiday weekend

Hopefully you’re all finding ways to stay cool. It’s easy to see that many of you have been completely checked out this week and who could blame you? Thanks so much for your business the first half of the year, which was tumultuous. I’m looking forward to the second half, which may be terrifying.

Just kidding. Sorta.

A few things:

The News Clips will be absent from your inbox until Sunday when James Russell will be back from a deserved break.

People on the Move will return next week. If you’ve submitted a career move to appear in the pages of Quorum Report, it will be included at that time. By the way, if you’ve ever sent something for POTM and it wasn’t published, feel free to follow up with me. Sometimes things get lost in the shuffle. If you have a career move to share, send it to ksbraddock@gmail.com. If you email it and use POTM in the subject line, that helps me avoid losing track. Thanks very much.

Oh, and for those who asked: Yes, Jeremy Wallace and I will have a new edition of the Texas Take Podcast for you this Friday for your weekend listening enjoyment. If you’re not caught up on the show, the last 8 years of shows are available here via Apple podcasts or here on Megaphone. You might have to right click those links and open in a new tab. Or just search for “Texas Take” on your favorite podcast app.

Have a great Independence Day weekend.

By Scott Braddock