August 29, 2024      3:00 PM
SB: In campaign mailers, school voucher group rallies support for pro-voucher Texas House Republicans by stressing the need for more public education funding
Ahead of November, Representatives Caroline Harris and Angie Chen Button are already getting third party support from a prominent pro-voucher group that’s going out of their way to not mention “school choice”
least two Republican Texas House members who sided with Gov. Greg
Abbott on a key amendment last year concerning school vouchers are now
getting help in reaching out to voters from one of the most prominent pro-school
voucher groups. But that group isn’t mentioning “school choice” or vouchers in
their direct mail appeals to voters.
the American Federation of Children is stressing that
Representatives Caroline Harris of Williamson County and Angie Chen
Button of Richardson are supporters of “higher pay for teachers, more money
for schools, and higher quality schools for children.” Not one word about the
group’s signature issue: Private school vouchers or “education savings
By Scott Braddock