September 15, 2021      5:02 PM
With some proposed maps apparently already seen by State Senators, the bitter fight over redistricting now just days away
Meantime, Dave Wasserman at Cook Political Report says “The coming fights over district lines are going to make some of the battles over voting procedures look like molehills compared to mountains in the next few months.”
Throughout this week, some
state senators, we are told, have been able to privately see the proposed maps
for their own Texas Senate districts. There’s much chatter now that maps could
be made public as soon as this weekend, but it’s more likely they’ll be
available at the start of the next special session on Monday.
And now that the Democratic
walkout that upended legislative business in Austin and divided the Texas House
is over, some think the redistricting fight ahead could be even more bitter.
By Kimberly Reeves