July 15, 2021      3:38 PM
HK: Article X Veto may have compromised full Republican control of redistricting
In theory at least, Democrats may have leverage they should not otherwise have; Article X cannot be revived without a special and with a hard August 20 deadline looming, the Legislature is on the edge of mutually assured destruction
“The Democrats’ claims
about the governor’s veto ‘cancelling’ the legislative branch are misleading and
misguided. The Constitution protects the legislative branch, and as the
Democrats well know, their positions, their powers and their salaries are
protected by the Constitution. They can continue to legislate despite the veto”
– Gov. Greg Abbott, responding to the Democrats’ Texas Supreme Court
request to overturn his Article X veto.
Let’s be clear up front.
The conventional wisdom is
that although there is a threat of arrest upon arrival, the House Democrats will
come back at some point and watch Republicans pass some version of their
election bill. A substantive question is whether the bill becomes more punitive
due to Republican anger over the quorum break.
Let’s not bury the lede here. The
House is boiling and Governor Abbott’s veto of
legislative funding could conceivably lead to Republican loss of control in
redistricting. While there is much chest beating and both feigned and real
anger over the quorum bust, it camouflages a much bigger issue.
By Harvey Kronberg