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February 3, 2021      4:38 PM

SB: Texas GOP Chair Allen West likely to have difficulty influencing legislators unless he first calms inner conflicts at the party

A chairman apparently chosen by roughly 600 delegates out of about 12,000 might one day wield influence at the Legislature but not before focusing on party infrastructure; Vice Chair Cat Parks disagrees with West on legislative priorities, highlighting that the RPT isn’t structured like a right-wing enforcement group wherein everyone marches to the tune of a few wealthy donors

Aggravation was building among many in the GOP this week after the Republican Party of Texas began directing folks to the Empower Texans Scorecard ratings of lawmakers as a resource. “The merging begins,” quipped one political observer after the Scorecard was linked on the party’s homepage.

During a brief but polite phone conversation with Chairman Allen West, it did not seem apparent to him why promoting Empower Texans through the RPT website would be controversial. Of course, this is a group whose cottage industry revolves around attacking Republicans and spending millions of dollars to defeat them in elections.

Chair West said he would check with party staff about how it happened. It is just the latest fire to put out after questions about party finances, a nonstop defense of West’s “We are the Storm” slogan, and the firing of a party staffer over social media posts from last month’s deadly riot in Washington.

In a follow up conversation, the party’s communications director Luke Twombley said the Empower Texans ratings were used as a placeholder while the party could build its own page about information on members of the Legislature. The Empower Texans link was subsequently removed from the RPT’s main webpage, but it is still being disseminated as a “resource” by the chair of the party’s Legislative Priorities Committee.

And that may be of more significance when it comes to how this session will unfold.

By Scott Braddock

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