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Quorum Report Daily Buzz

July 18, 2017      4:01 PM

Push starts to add TRS-Care on session call, warnings of issues ahead for ERS

During the regular session, the House pushed for the use of the Rainy Day Fund to resolve TRS-Care problems but the Senate balked

One group of people nowhere on Gov. Greg Abbott’s call clearly have reaped the benefits of a three-week gap between the regular and special sessions: retired teachers.

The efforts range from nominal to astronomical: Reps. Drew Darby, R-San Angelo, and Ryan Guillen, D-Rio Grande City, put aside $100 million in House Bill 76. Rep. Trent Ashby, R-Lufkin, is ready to pull $150 million out of the Rainy Day Fund. And Rep. Lance Gooden, R-Terrell, is hosting a Facebook Live event this afternoon to talk about a four-year $1 billion expenditure to plug the liability in the system, as well as a true interim review of potential remedies.

By Kimberly Reeves

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