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Quorum Report Daily Buzz

June 11, 2014      4:20 PM

Chairman KevinBrady names Centilli economic policy director of House Senate Joint Economic Committee

Long time Brady chief of staff gets new portfolio

From the release:

"Centilli will be tasked with advancing strategy and communicating Brady’s key economic initiatives which include Federal Reserve and regulatory reforms, and the MAP Act to shrink the size of the federal government.

“America’s economy continues to disappoint, and we need a bolder agenda to get people back to work,” said Brady. “Doug has been invaluable in helping develop these key economic initiatives and I’m excited he’s willing to devote full time to moving them forward.”

"Centilli, a former Texas A & M football player and former aide to Texas Governor Bill Clements, has served as Brady’s chief-of-staff both in the Texas Legislature and while in Congress. A native Texan, Centilli has been active in the Texas Lyceum, the Archer Center at the University of Texas and the Texas State Society".